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Virtual Conference


We connect with our clients virtually worldwide. Meeting virtually with our therapists allows for continued face-to-face support (via video) and has added benefits to in-person sessions. 
(We know, we were skeptical too at first…)


We loved creating a healing physical space at the Lighthouse offices that supported our clients in their transformation. But now that the work has shifted to ongoing virtual work it allows our clients an opportunity to intentionally create a healing space in their own environment—whether that be at home, at work, in their car, or outside. They can do this by setting themselves up with comfortable clothing, props that help their bodies feel supported (pillows, blanket, etc.), using essential oils or lighting a candle, and letting whoever they share space with (even kids!) know that they are unavailable for the length of the session.


We invite our clients to think about engaging in virtual sessions with the same amount of presence as they would when meeting in-person. It can be tempting to have divided attention while on a virtual session. We encourage our clients to silence the alerts on their phone, close the tabs on their computer, and be present with themselves and their therapist.


Counter to what some people think, meeting virtually can feel just as deep as meeting in-person, and sometimes the virtual space opens people up to sharing things they might feel less comfortable sharing while in the room together. It also allows the therapists to learn different things about our clients than we would in in-person sessions—what do their physical spaces look like, are they able to create privacy for themselves, are other family members/roommates respectful of their privacy, etc. And because the video sessions are literally face-to-face for the most part, it allows our therapists to see more subtle shifts in facial expressions than what might be seen across an office space, allowing for more conversations about the emotional bubbling up that happens during most sessions.

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