(914) 589-7188
March '23 - Crystal of the Month

Aquamarine is a stone of empowerment, for men and women alike. It helps in the realization that not all power comes from force. It lends women the courage to express their inner knowing and enhances their intuitive abilities, and helps dispel the emotional numbness and difficulty men sometimes experience in communicating their feelings.
Aquamarine is a Water element stone, powerful for cleansing the emotional body and opening communication. Its gentle energy brings emotional patterns to the surface and assists in understanding the reason for holding onto old thoughts or patterns that are limiting forward motion. It also identifies where ego is causing one to overreact, assume a victim/abuser role, manipulate others, or martyr oneself. By consciously releasing these patterns, it allows for better relationships, love and compassion.
Aquamarine is useful for moving through transition and change, its cleansing energy removing resistance and helping one overcome fear of the unknown. It helps not only in the release of emotional baggage, but the clearing out of physical items and clutter.